Friday, September 17, 2010

Calev M. Myers - Messages


Calev Myers is a graduate of the Hebrew University Faculty of Law and a partner at Yehuda Raveh & Co. Law Offices, one of the leading law firms in Israel.

Myers heads the firm's branch in downtown Jerusalem, and specializes in commercial law; providing innovative legal services to large R&D companies in Israel in the areas of intellectual property, licensing, joint ventures, marketing and distribution agreements, and all other special services required by this type of company. He serves as general counsel to over 50 commercial and non-profit organizations in Israel, and represents many international bodies that invest in initiatives in Israeli. His work has been published in the International Financial Law Review.

He is a major activist for civil rights and freedom of religion in Israel.

Myers is the founder and chief counsel of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, a non-profit organization that advances civil rights, freedom of religion, and social justice in Israel.

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice has handled more than 300 legal cases in the field of civil rights and freedom of religion, and has already won 14 appeals to the Supreme Court in the area of religion and the state in Israel.

Calev Myers is one of the leaders in the struggle for civil marriage in Israel.

The organization that Myers heads also works for social justice and reduction of social inequalities in Israeli society. The Jerusalem Institute of Justice carries out dozens of humanitarian projects to strengthen the third sector. Myers has also served as legal counsel to the chairman of the Social Welfare lobby of the Knesset.

The organization also organizes special projects for the benefit of Holocaust survivors in Israel.

Myers heads the Israel Now organization, which advances public relations for Israel on the international level. The organization fights for Israel's right as the only democracy in the Middle East to defend herself from terror organizations.

1 comment:

  1. Came upon Mr. Myers' (amazing we have the same last name huh) interview with Jeffrey Seif (Zola Levitt Ministries) and was very impressed. His firm will be added to my prayer. Shalom.
